Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jazoon day 1 wrap-up

The first day at the Jazoon Conference is over. The Opening Sessions were really interesting. Martin Odersky started out with a talk on Scala which keeps to be the new thing to check out. Simon Phipps gave a really impressing talk on free software in the market, how to bring free software from niche to mainstream.

My own talk went quite well. I was less nervouse than I had expected, so it went like clockwork. Although I had quite a lot of slides I did not exceed the time limit. The slides will be available from the Jazoon homepage after the conference and I made the example sources avaliable from my private homepage.

A thrill of anticipation

I'm sitting in the Work Area at the Arena Flimcity where the Jazoon 2008 is going to take place. The Opening Session will start in about an hour. Web 2.0 technologies are quite a big topic here. Web developement, Ajax and all the frameworks around it get a lot of attention. There are three talks on GWT, one by myself :-)