Friday, May 29, 2009


TVizFX started as a learning project, and I have finally submitted it for the JavaFX Coding Challenge. TVizFX it is by no means complete, but yesterday was the challenge deadline so I had to submit what I got so far...

TVizFX visualizes your Twitter network in diagrams. Currently only a tree layout is supported, but more layouts, such as circular or organic layouts, will be added soon. You can zoom nodes and drag nodes freely. Tweets are faded in above the user's node in the diagram.

Go have a look...

JavaFX 1.1

I wrote a small (relatively) JavaFX application using the public Twitter API. As mentioned earlier JavaFX runs fine under Linux although it is not yet officially supported.

I have been using Eclipse for many years. Which means I'm a total Netbeans newbie, but Netbeans generally behaved and I found my way around pretty well. Though the support for JavaFX in Netbeans is not as good as other language support in NetBeans.

The thing I am missing the most in JavaFX are some kind of good component libraries. Chances are good, that the next version is going to solve that one. JavaOne may brings some new things...